Sunday, December 4, 2011



Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids. A common problem in both children and adults, blepharitis causes swelling, itching and irritation of the eyelids. There are two types of blepharitis: seborrheic and Staphylococcus. The outer layer of the eyelid is composed of skin, while the inside of the eyelid is lined with moist tissue. Muscles and glands are located between the skin and the moist lining. The eyelashes are located on the eyelid margins, the area which come together when the eyelid is closed. Tiny openings from which glands secrete the oily part of tears are also located on the eyelid margin. The eyelid margins are the areas most often affected by blepharitis.


Blepharitis happens when the minuscule oil glands adjoining the base of the eyelashes stops functioning normally. It is usually a condition that is chronic requiring care that is long-term.
Conditions or diseases that may cause blepharitis consist of:
Bacterial infections,
Dandruff affecting the eyebrows or scalp – known as seborrheic dermatitis,
Rosacea is a condition of the skin categorized by redness in the face,
Oil glands in the eyelids that malfunction,
Eyelash mites.

Allergies such as reactions to eye drugs, contact lens solutions or makeup for the eye.
Blepharitis can also be triggered by a grouping of factors.
If an individual has blepharitis, they can experience:

Problems with eyelash – Cause eyelashes to grow abnormally or fall out.

Skin problems on eyelid – Scarring can happen on the eyelids because of chronic blepharitis.

Stye – This is a contagion which commonly starts adjacent to the base of the eyelashes. It is a lump that is painful located inside of or on the brink of the eyelid. Styes are normally most noticeable on the eyelid surface.

·        Dry or excess tearing eye – Atypical secretions that are oily as well as other debris that falls from the eyelid, for instance flaking related to dandruff, may amass in the tear film – the oil, mucus, water solution that creates tears. A tear film which is abnormal impedes the normal lubrication of a healthy eyelids. This causes irritation to the eyes and causes excessive tearing or dry eyes.
·        Corneal injury – Any continuous irritation from eyelashes which are misdirected or inflamed can cause an ulcer or sore to form on the cornea. Tearing which is insufficient can predispose an individual to corneal infections.


The mainstay of treatment is lid hygiene, using cotton buds and solution.
As blepharitis can affect the tears, lubricants can be used to soothe the eyes and relieve irritation. These can be used 3-4 times a day.

There are a variety of artificial tear preparations to choose from, if the drops are required more than 4 times a day then preservative free drops are recommended.
In rare cases, antibiotic tablets may be needed if the blepharitis is particularly difficult to treat.

Treating related conditions such as seborrhoeic dermatitis, which causes bad dandruff and other kind conditions of the face, such as eczema and acne rosacea may help to ease blepharitis.

In a very few people the blepharitis can be severe and damage the eyelids, and treatment can prevent more damage occurring.

The treatment is aimed at :

unblocking the glands in the eyelid, which may be infected and inflamed, like acne on the face or a tiny boil by Lid Cleaning replacing the tears if the eyes are dry with Lubricants
treating any infection present with Antibiotic Cream antibiotic cream
omega 3' long chain type that are in oily fish, are very helpful and important. Shorter molecule omega 3s such as flaxseed oil are probably helpful helpful
to treat infection and reduce the inflammation using Antibiotic tablets.

Steroid creams (only to be used by ophthalmologists/expert professionals)
The treatment should make your eyes more comfortable, but there is no magic cure. Even with treatment your eyes may remain a little sore, but no harm will come to them and there is nothing to worry about. 

Start with lid cleaning, use antibiotic cream if this is not helpful. Tablets are for people with very troublesome sore eyes.

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