Monday, September 26, 2011

Hair loss





 Hair Loss



Also called Alopecia.

Everyone loses hair. It is normal to lose about 50-100 hairs every day. If you see bald patches or lots of thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss.
There are many causes of hair loss. Women may notice hair loss after giving birth. People under a lot of stress can see noticeable hair loss. Some diseases and medical treatments can cause hair loss.
The most common cause of hair loss is a medical condition called hereditary hair loss.. Other names for this type of hair loss are:
  • Male-pattern baldness
  • Female-pattern baldness
  • Androgenetic alopecia
Luckily, most causes of hair loss can be stopped or treated. Anyone troubled by hair loss should see a dermatologist.
Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss found in men and is an inherited condition.
Female pattern baldness, or female androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in women and is more common than generally believed. This condition is also inherited.

Types of Hair Loss

  1. Androgenetic Alopecia
  2. Telogen Effluvium
  3. Alopecia Areata
  4. Scarring Alopecia
  5. Congenital Hypotrichosis
  6. Congenital Aplasia
  7. Triangular Alopecia
  8. Congenital Atrichia
  9. Ringworm
  10. Folliculitis
  11. Piedra
  12. Demodex folliculorum
  13. Seborrheic dermatitis
  14. Hair Shaft Defects

  • Loose anagen syndrome
  • Traction alopecia and trichotillomania
  • Monilethrix
  • Overprocessing, cuticle stripping, and bubble hair
  • Trichorrhexis nodosa

Prevention & Treatment

Stress is another huge factor for hair loss, which is bad if you are very stressed, but is also good because unlike genetic hair loss, hair loss due to stress can be managed if you try methods to decrease your stress. Usually, losing your hair is a good motivator to relax so it should not be too hard to find a way to de-stress your life.
Problems with your health often lead to hair loss too, so if you do not think that your hair loss is stress or genetic related then go to your doctor to get a check up and maybe some tests done. Anemia, thyroid disease and imbalanced levels of hormones and vitamins can cause hair loss, so it is important that you find out what is causing your hair loss before you overlook some bigger issues with your body.

Natural hair loss prevention is simple. Good overall body health is the key because, just like your nails, if your body is not healthy your hair will become dry, brittle and easily broken. Be sure to keep your hair clean using moisturizers inside your shampoo and conditioners. Although, washing your hair too much can actually cause more hair loss. Try to keep it to once a day or even once every other day if you can. Skipping a day of washing your hair will not hurt you; it actually is shown to cause healthier hair that is more easily managed.
Have a proper diet and use products with moisturizers and vitamins in them.  A good amount of protein, calcium, vitamins A, and C and folic acid is good as well. Too much sun can dry the hair and cause it damage.

In addition, wearing tight hats and having your hair pulled up can cause your hair to break and weaken as well. There are also products to use when you are noticing you are losing a good amount of hair and want to try to stop it before it gets out of hand. One popular hair loss prevention product to try is Minoxidil.

Hair loss prevention is not always going to be easy, especially if your hair loss is due to genetics or some medications or treatments that you cannot avoid. Make sure you follow all the instructions, and don’t skip from one treatment to another because you’re panicked. Give it some time to prove itself.
Another drug, finasteride is comes in pill form and is only indicated for men, as it poses a serious danger to women of child-bearing age - even skin contact can result in absorption of the drug and lead to birth defects in pregnant women. It works by stopping the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

Steroid injections are sometimes used as a suppressive treatment for patches of alopecia areata. Ointments and creams can also be used, but aren't as effective. Another topical treatment consists of using Anthralin ointment, a synthetic substance made from tar used to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, that may stimulate hair growth in those with autoimmune hair loss. Surgical treatments involving hair transplantation or scalp reduction are often a last resort but may be effective in the right candidate, although they can be expensive.

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