Tuesday, September 27, 2011



Constipation refers to infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty passing stools. Constipation may involve pain during the passage of a bowel movement, inability to pass a bowel movement after straining or pushing for more than 10 minutes, or no bowel movements after more than 3 days. Infants who are still exclusively breastfed may go 7 days without a stool.
Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. Constipation is very common in young children and the elderly but can occur in any age group or population.
A wide variety of diseases, disorders and conditions can lead to constipation, including lifestyle changes, dehydration, malignancy (cancer), inflammation, and other abnormal processes. Constipation can be due to mild to moderate conditions, such as a poor diet, pregnancy or hemorrhoids. Serious and life-threatening causes of constipation include colon cancer and bowel obstruction.
In some cases, constipation may be brief, such as may occur when it delay having a bowel movement when the urge is felt. Constipation can also persist over a longer period of time, such as when it is caused by a diet low in fiber and fluids.

Constipation is most often caused by a low-fiber diet, lack of physical activity, not drinking enough water, or delay in going to the bathroom when you have the urge to defecate. Stress and travel can also contribute to constipation or other changes in bowel habits.
Other times, diseases of the bowel (such as irritable bowel syndrome), pregnancy, certain medical conditions (like an under active thyroid or cystic fibrosis), mental health problems, neurological diseases, or medications may be the reason for your constipation. More serious causes, like colon cancer, are much less common.
Constipation in children often occurs if they hold back bowel movements when they aren't ready for toilet training or are afraid of it.

Who gets constipated?

Almost everyone gets constipated at some point in their lives but that is not a real constipation problem. Commonly women, children and adults over 65 years of age get constipated. This does not mean that men or other segments of population do not get constipated. Here is the list of people who can suffer from constipation most or all of the time (if they don't take measures for constipation cure)

People Over 65- As senior people are not able to get proper food, drinks and exercises due to their diminishing digestive capabilities and stamina, they often suffer from constipation. Old age also makes the muscles of the large bowel weak that is one of the causes of constipation.

Pregnant Women- Hormonal changes during pregnancy slow down the intestinal activities which might lead to constipation. Pregnancy constipation is also due to hemorrhoids (swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus) as a result of increased pressure against the bowels.

Frequent Travelers- Travel affects regular habits of eating, sleeping, and normal bowel routines. However, this type of constipation might get over as soon as normal routine is resumed.

New Mothers- Women who just gave birth to a child have a slower digestion and a temporary loss of muscle tone in the abdomen that leads to constipation.

Inactive People- Sedentary lifestyle without any exercise regime can lead to severe constipation over time.

Junk Food Lovers- People having food without fiber, low fiber food and inappropriate quantity of water may get constipated more often.

Certain Patients- Patients having particular types of medication (that cause constipation) can also get constipated for the time being. As soon as they stop those medicines, they are relieved from constipation. Patients who are recovering from surgery may also get constipated due to medications again and also due to inadequate physical activity or use of a bedpan.

  • Drink 8-10glasses of water everyday
  • Include fresh fruits, fibre rich food  in your diet
  • Maintain a regular time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Practice regular physical exercise.
Practice abdominal muscle strengthening exercise as strong abdominal muscles helps in easy defecation


Prepare a juice with raw spinach and drink daily. This contains fibre which  helps in relieving constipation
Consume Guava fruit daily .This loosens the stool and eases defecations.
Drink Ginger tea to get relief from constipation
Mix lemon juice in warm water with a pinch of salt and drink 3times per day. This relieves constipation.
Drink orange juice early morning to relieve constipation.
Taking papaya fruit 3times in a week eases constipation.
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in a cup of water and drink to get rid of constipation.
Store water in a copper vessel overnight and consume this water in the morning .This is a good remedy for constipation.
Add 1teaspoon of castor oil to warm milk and drink before going to bed. This relieves severe constipation.
Eating mango during its season also relieves constipation.


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