Thursday, September 29, 2011





Libido, which is also often called sexual desire or sex drive, starts in the brain and in men is driven by the presence of the hormone testosterone. While it is true that men can have a normal testosterone level and little or no sex drive, it has also been shown that a low testosterone level is associated with low libido. How much testosterone does a man need to have a “normal” or healthy libido? Scientists have not put a definitive number on it, but what they do know is that as men age and their testosterone levels decline, sex drive tends to decline as well.

There are many problems associated with sexual dysfunction experienced with people as minimum once in their life. There are a lot of women around the world, who face low libido as a result of physical and psychological factors as stress, hormonal changes, diet, aging, depression and fatigue. The reason of low female libido may be birth of the child as well. At the stage of pregnancy a woman should have to endure a lot of pain or any complications. Because of this, many women find that their sex life suffers a lot.
Low female libido occurs primarily in older age.


There are a variety of things that can affect a man’s sex drive. One of the most common causes of a decrease in sex drive is simply aging. There are essentially three factors that drive sex drive down as we age: a decrease in testosterone, psychological changes associated with aging, and physical changes associated with aging.


Pain caused by the onset of arthritis, muscle soreness, or other sources can make sex unenjoyable and thus decrease a man’s desire.
Fatigue or tiredness can impair sexual desire. Fatigue can be triggered by any number of factors including: physical exertion, medication, or psychological problems (like stress and depression).


Men who undergo surgery may refrain from sexual intimacy because of a fear of pain or impotence or because they view themselves as sexually unattractive. Prostatectomy (removal of all or part of the prostrate) for example may not affect a man’s physical ability to be intimate but also may cause the loss of his ability to control the bladder. Thus men who experience incontenence may be fearful of losing bladder control during sexual intercourse.

Alcohol and Drugs

The use of alcohol and drugs (legal and illegal) can adversely affect a man’s sex drive. Alcohol for example, can cause erection problems and increase the amount of time necessary to achieve orgasm. Also, certain blood pressure, antidepressants, and diabetes regulating medications are well known to decrease men’s sex drive.

Psychological Problems and Stress

A low sex drive can be a product of a man’s poor emotional health. This can be caused by a number of things including: job related stress; marital or relationship problems; sexuality issues; traumatic sexual experiences (such as molestation or rape); an unwilling sexual partner (your sexual partner no longer desires sex and therefore you intern start to lose your desire as well); boredom; or possibly a belief that you are or have become physically unattractive (it’s not just women who worry about their appearance as they age - thus the new booming market for male cosmetics).

Low Testosterone

A decrease in testosterone production often occurs in men as they age. One of the symptoms of this decrease in the body’s testosterone levels is a decline sex drive. Along with a decrease in sex drive men with low testosterone may also experience angst, lack of concentration, and possibly hot flashes (funny enough, symptoms that are generally associated with Women going through menopause).

There are several causes of low sexual desire. Therefore, there is no simple pill or quick fix that will help to increase sex drive (particularly in women.)
Studies have shown that most women benefit from holistic treatments focused on sex education, counseling, lifestyle changes and sometimes even medication.
It is extremely important for couples to seek help in cases of desire discrepancy. Although sex is only one aspect of your relationship, it has a very big impact on the relationship as a whole. Desire discrepancy can cause relationships to break down, and individuals become disillusioned, hurt and confused.
There are a number of medical professionals specifically trained to deal with low libido and desire discrepancy in couples. Visit your GP first for a full medical examination, and he or she will refer you to a counselor, psychologist or sexologist if necessary.
Here are a few suggestions which might help increase your sexual desire:

Lifestyle Changes
Exercise. Regular aerobic exercise has many benefits including increasing your stamina, improving your body image and elevating your mood. You could even make exercise part of a routine that you and your partner do together.
Relax. Investigate coping skills that will help you cope with stress at work, financial stress and daily hassles. All of these things occupy your thoughts and interfere with
sexual desire.

Time Management

 We all have busy schedules, particularly if kids are involved. That’s why it’s so important for couples to set aside time for each other everyday. It can be early in the morning or later in the evening, but make sure you connect emotionally every day. As a couple, you should also set aside time for intimacy at least once a week. Organize a baby sitter and spend a romantic evening together.
Relationship Changes

Remember, sex for women is very psychological and sex for men is very physical. To increase a woman’s desire, a man needs to ensure the woman is fully satisfied in the other areas of the relationship.


Ever relationship experiences conflict at some point. It is important for couples to remain open-minded and communicate honestly with each other. Talk about sex with your partner, and discuss your likes and dislikes. Communication increases intimacy and also a woman’s feelings of belonging, happiness and desire.
Spice it up. A long-term relationship often needs a little intimate spicing up. Try different sexual positions and different times of day to ensure your sex life stays exciting and spontaneous.

Medical treatments

Medication for treating low sex drive is still in its infancy. There are no ‘sex drive’ pills. There are a few hormone therapies that have been shown to improve sex drive, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Underlying causes. Current medication may be a cause of low sex drive. Diabetes, depression medication and obesity are also related to low sex drive. Doctors will investigate whether there are any underlying medical causes of low sex drive before prescribing any hormone treatments.
  • Oestrogen therapy. Hormones affect the brain and mood factors, and therefore affect the sexual response cycle of the brain. Local eastrogen therapy (in the form of vaginal cream) can increase blood flow which enhances desire.
  • Testosterone therapy. Although testosterone is a male hormone, it plays an important role in female sexual functioning. Testosterone therapy is still being investigated as a solution to low libido in women. It has several negative side effects including acne, excess body air and mood changes.



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